30 days IPA Network marketing
Network marketing is a profession and a profession is something you can learn
This 30-day IPA training is very effective. The written lessons and assignments will put you into action on a daily base . IPA stands for Income Productive Activities. If you really want to learn about Network Marketing it is highly recommended to also do the assignment associated with each lesson. Network marketing has a rhythm and once you know that rhythm, results will appear. Network Marketing Works once you do the right things. Many (starting) networkers just have no idea what the right things are. So they are just doing “something” or follow the herd who often wonders what to do.
So I don’t have to sell?
I don’t have to force something on people?
I don’t have to post something on Facebook every day?
No, of course not.
It can really be different.
And you can learn to do it differently.

✅ So you can start today
✅ If you are serious about success in and with Network Marketing
✅ If DOING is what you want for 30 days, so you can learn the technical route to success
✅ If you like to work with me
✅ If you want growth in your business
✅ If you want to work according to my proven method ‘the Network Wheel’
✅ An e-learning with which you can determine your own pace
✅ You do these e-learning lessons independently
✅ There is a Facebook group where you can ask questions
✅ You can schedule 2 coaching moments with Ingrid while doing the e-learning!
You are about to learn what the real Income Productive Activities of Network Marketing are. This creates success and you no longer have to figure out about the ‘how’..

This is the first training I have ever developed for my teams and used it with great success for years….
Do you feel a YES! right now?
Then sign up and join us.
You will not regret it.
I am sure about this, because I know what this training can do for you.
It is absolutely worth your investment.
I know this for sure also, because this training creates growth in your business.
You receive an online learning environment where the content remains visible for you, even after the training.
In the Facebook group you will meet other participants and I will also be actively present to support you. Together we go for success.
Your success from connection with yourself.
If you have any questions, please let us know.
Want to know more about the trainer and coach Ingrid?

Read the reviews on Facebook!
(Currently) not available
Proud as a peacock
Is a business unit of In Rainbow
Andre Hoogstede (owner)
Hunzingo 18
8251 VZ Dronten
The Netherlands
Mobile phone Andre: 0031-653453783
E-mail: info@inrainbow.nl
KvK: 62593110
VAT: NL138143626B01

This website uses the following influencers:
-Ingrid van der Wal