Learn with me
Network marketing works as soon as you do the right things. You can learn the right things, causing success to be a logical consequence. The 3 training courses below are the basis to become a skilled networker from a connection with yourself.
✅ Twice a year in January and September
✅ 3 Weeks of UP TEMPO training
✅ 12-14 Techniques to invite
✅ Fill your calendar with appointments
✅ Together with a large group of people
✅ Experiencing momentum
✅ Inviting from group energy
✅ Learn how to make your Momentumplan
✅ Recordings to listen afterwards
✅ 30 Days of Training
✅ In 6 weeks
✅ An Income Productive Activity 5 days a week
✅ Written lessons and podcast
✅ Assignments and exercises
✅ Learn Network Marketing according to the Network Wheel
✅ An e-learning
✅ An online learning environment for as long as you like
✅ Follow your own pace
✅ The NetworkMindsetCollege
✅ 3 modules with 16 lessons each
✅ Going more in depth after the IPA lessons
✅ 3 video's per week of approx. 45 minutes
✅ Assignments and exercises
✅ e-learning
✅ An online learning environment as long as you want
✅ students indicate that they need an average of 40 weeks for all lessons
✅ Follow your own pace
✅ Your positive MoneyMindset is a basis for your Succes
Let’s create Momentum
In a group you will experience what momentum can do for you. You can participate in LCM every six months and the existing group is constantly growing.
Why does this happen?
It is very motivating to learn in a group about the best techniques on how to invite. You can apply them immediately and it ensures appointments in your agenda. We offer this program twice a year. Right away in the new year and after the summer holidays. Only this year there will be an extra LCM (2.0) English version starting on april 12th.
- Dates: January and September
- Time: Specified on the LCM page
- Cost: (Currently) not available
30 days IPA’s
IPA means: Income Productive Activity. There are 2 IPAs, Network Marketing and NewMoneyMindset. During 6 weeks you’ll receive 30 written lessons. These IPAs start in groups after each LCM. To both IPA’s applies that you can start at any time. Before you decide if you want to participate, we are happy to give you a ‘look behind the scenes’ by viewing the e-learning.
- Start date coaching: March and October
- Time: n/a (e-learning)
- Cost & info:
(Currently) not available

Duplication is the magic word in this business. Network marketing works if you know what to do and if you know what to do it can be duplicated. September 2019: I joined all courses at ‘Proud as a Peacock’. November 2020 over a year later .... my Network Marketing salary has increased fivefold! There is a wonderful team of more than 300 networkers all from connection following the same methodology....
Toen ik startte met netwerkmarketing was ik er echt van overtuigd dat dit mijn oplossing voor mijn financiële uitdagingen ging worden. Dat liep alleen heel anders. Deze eerste kennismaking met netwerkmarketing heeft mij alleen niet de meest positieve ervaring gegeven. Ik heb de eerste 3 jaar echt gestruggeld en stond 24/7 aan. In combinatie met mijn jonge gezin en eigen bedrijf aan huis kon dat dus niet lang goed gaan. Dat dit...
My participation in the training was such an eye-opener. I never expected this. Not only the professional goal gets attention, personal development also gets its place. Everything is given careful attention, down to the last detail, with the utmost care and attention, like the threading of precious gems, which are tied together to form a unique, beautiful necklace that one wants to wear with pride. Network marketing from ...
Read more reviews on Facebook!

Did you hear about Let’s Create Momentum?
Proud as a peacock
Is a business unit of In Rainbow
Andre Hoogstede (owner)
Hunzingo 18
8251 VZ Dronten
The Netherlands
Mobile phone Andre: 0031-653453783
E-mail: info@inrainbow.nl
KvK: 62593110
VAT: NL138143626B01

This website uses the following influencers:
-Ingrid van der Wal